Episode 11: Cherry, Charity, and Creativity with Cherry Republic’s owner, Bob Sutherland

by | Jun 7, 2021 | Mitten Money Podcast

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Episode 11: Cherry, Charity, and Creativity with Cherry Republic’s owner, Bob Sutherland

In today’s episode, we welcome Bob Sutherland, the owner of Cherry Republic. Established in 1989, Cherry Republic creates the most unique, fresh, and high-quality cherry creations in the world. Bob is an entrepreneur through and through. He’s resilient, creative, and generous. Bob shared about Cherry Republic’s origin story and started with, “we come from a very humble beginning. In 1989, I was selling t-shirts out of the back of my old, old rusty car. I even had chicken wire in the truck to keep the t-shirts in there.”

In 32 years, Cherry Republic has scaled to having 200+ locally-made cherry products, 6 locations, and 263 wholesale, retail locations. Through trial and error, resilience, and creative growth, Bob and his team have created two must-visit destinations in Northern Michigan.

We can’t wait for you to hear about:

    • The origin story of Cherry Republic
    • Why the company was designed to be unconventional.
    • His pledged to give back to the outdoors.

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