Jimmy Gretzinger 1:51
glad to be here.
William Zank 1:52
Well, great. Let’s get started. So tell us a little about yourself. What made you initially interested in joining Michigan out of doors in 1998?
Jimmy Gretzinger 1:58
Well, kind of my background a little bit, I went to Michigan State University and graduated with a degree in audio and video production so I kind of wanted to do something along those lines, not really knowing what it might be graduated grew up in Ludington, went back there for about a year while I was trying to find a job in video production and got hired by Spring Hill camps, which is a Christian camp in Everett Michigan really a big player in the Christian camping world. Anyways, so they hired me to start a video production facility they’re at their main camp there. So I was there for about three years, and I grew up hunting and fishing but I never really thought I’d be able to put the hunting and fishing together with kind of my love of audio video type stuff, and then just funny how things work out my elementary school gym teacher was the head guy for Ducks Unlimited at that time back in 1998. He was doing a show with Michigan Out of Doors and the host of Michigan Out of Doors at that time Bob Garner had just retired. And so they were looking for a new person to come onto the team kind of the low man on the totem pole. So they’re sitting there in a duck blind and my elementary school gym teacher says well hey I know this kid who grew up hunting and fishing and he graduated from Michigan State with a video production degree and you guys that will have to get a hold of us, that guy called my dad and said Hey tell Jimmy Michigan Out of Doors is looking for somebody and dad calls me and says hey Michigan Out of Doors is looking for somebody so I called them and at the time I was working on the same editing software and use the same cameras everything and so I was able to just slide right in and that’s kind of how that got started but. But yeah, growing up doing a lot of a lot of hunting some fishing. When I grew up in Ludington at that time. Really the only, fishing, that we did was a lot of big lake fishing but the salmon had kind of died off and so we didn’t do a ton of fishing at that point in time, but a lot of hunting. So yeah, so I joined the team back in 1998, and then worked for about 10 years or so, and the show at that time was owned by the Michigan United Conservation Clubs. And then in the 2008 2009, when the economy was really kind of in a rough spot, they decided to sell the TV show and so I bought the television show from them at that point in time, which was a big venture on my part but that worked out great. It was a great decision and so then I own the show since the beginning of 2009. And so it’s been it’s funny as you talk about businesses and whatnot. It was the guy that sold me to show who was a very good businessman at the time he said if you can make it through year one and year two, you should be alright. And then he was right. And so we kind of limped along the first few years and was able to hire people back, kind of part time and then back to full time and so it’s been quite an interesting journey along the way. But yeah that’s kind of how we got started.
William Zank 4:25
So one thing I have to ask for all the hunting enthusiasts or fishing enthusiasts that may watch the show that may kind of envy the job that you have with all the fun that you have on TV. Did you have to send an application or did you send in like a video of what a potential shoot could look like, what did that all entail.
Jimmy Gretzinger 4:40
So what they did is they asked me for some work that I had done so anything that I had shot with the camera anything that I edited and so my role at that point in time with Spring Hill was basically very similar to what I do now I would take for three or four days, edit for two or three days, turn around do the same thing again. So I would do highlight videos in a week of camp or a weekend teen retreat or whatever it might be. So, that’s kind of yeah, it was a great training route for me and we just kind of keep turning it over and so I was able to just give them several things that I had shot and edited all together and so that kind of gave them an idea of what I could do and, yeah, that’s how it worked out.
William Zank 5:12
That’s wonderful. And so over the course of 22 years what is your process been like for creating new content that’s appealing to a growing number of audience members as you start to expand out from just the state of Michigan to having a show also watched in parts of Canada, Indiana, Wisconsin.
Jimmy Gretzinger 5:28
Yeah, how we end up getting a lot of our stories is we’re very driven by what is going on in the outdoor world, and I kind of know sort of our plan for the next year, when the year starts so I kind of know when the seasons are, so yeah right now, typically, we do a lot of ice fishing what a rabbit hunting. We’re looking for anything that’s indoors maybe a taxidermy story or a gunsmith story or so yeah we’re very driven by what is happening in the outdoor world so we know this is going to lead into spring starts there’s different fishing opportunities that happen in the spring and then you got turkey season and then you get into the heart of summer and it’s a lot of big lake fishing, fishing all over the state of Michigan we have so many different places to go, I think a reason that it has worked for so long for Michigan Out of Doors is it’s not, you’re not tagging along with Jimmy or Jenny or who, for every single episode which a lot of outdoor shows do and there’s nothing wrong with that, but I think what works for us I can do 100 different bluegill fishing stories and they’re all going to be a little different because we’re with whoever it might be that we’re taking along with so I kind of see it as my role to kind of tell their story like maybe they have a unique technique or something that they’re using but how did they get into hunting and fishing Why did they fish on this lake and how long have they been doing it here and so you can get a lot of variety of nice fishing stories just by the body water who you’re with and just kind of telling their story. So, and we have a lot of people that contact the show so I’ll get in a week, anywhere from 2 to 10 to 15 people that are emailing saying hey would you like to come tag along on whatever it might be and so then we kind of talk with them and feel them out, see if they kind of know a little bit about what they’re talking about and sometimes it’s a roll of the dice, no matter what I mean you can have the greatest deer hunting spot and the night before a bunch of coyotes come through and all the deer are gone, so that can happen, then you have some guys that are like you know about every six months or so we see this deer in this corner of this field and, and then you got some guys are like well every day at 3:30 sometimes 3:35, they’re coming through this stretch of stuff and we got, you know. Yeah, you just kind of wade through some of that but so we get a lot of stories from people and then if there’s goose season that’s coming up that we haven’t had anybody call us for we’ll get a hold of some of our waterfall people and say, Hey, you got anything going, can we tag along and so that’s kind of how we get our stories.
William Zank 7:27
That’s wonderful and you bring up a good point about ice fishing and so with this winter and you know some winters in the past that you know maybe a little more abnormally warm sometimes bodies of water may not freeze over, and may not have the best conditions out there so I saw an article from a week or two ago that people were still fishing via boat out in the Saginaw Bay and so when those types of things happen, how has your show adapted to that? Do you just go to other locations or maybe kind of do more of a unique show where you would go and do that?
Jimmy Gretzinger 7:53
Yeah, so we we just kind of roll with what’s happening. So to your point like Saginaw Bay at least to my knowledge right now is not frozen over at all. And so guys are out there on boats and so we’ll just adapt and go with people and we’re usually with someone else kind of telling their story but so yeah we just go out with them on a boat or I know Lake Erie is still open and so we would yeah we would just tag along with them. But then, when the ice fishing first started here, Southern Michigan and Mid-Michigan that did not have safe ice and we do in spots now, but so I was calling around to people in northern Michigan saying hey how much ice do you have is anybody going and so, the show that just aired last night, did some perch fishing with a guy that I had met he had contacted us saying hey we’re catching some pretty good perch up here on six mile lake which is right on the edge of Charlevoix County and Antrim County and so it worked out good. I was looking for an ice fishing story and they had safe ice this time of year. And as we transition out of winter trying to figure out where is safe ice is presented and if you’re ever not sure you know just call a local bait shop in that area and they usually give you a pretty good idea of what where it’s safe and there’s so many online forums and whatnot, you can find out a lot information that way now to.
William Zank 8:57
That’s a really good point, talking just a little bit more on the topic of ice fishing. When you see these lakes have the formation of ice later in the season, do you see that affecting that local fishery at all?
Jimmy Gretzinger 9:07
Well, you know, I don’t know how much it affects the actual fishery but ice is just such a, depending on how you know if you have clear good blue ice or clear ice. That’s really pretty sturdy and guys can get out there pretty easily, but when you get a lot of snow which we haven’t had this year when you get that snow that missing you get four to six inches on a lake and then that starts to melt and then that freezes and then you get some rain on top of that it just the ice conditions really, I think, really affect the fishing more than anything else as far as the actual fishery. I don’t think we put much of a dent in really any of the lakes that we’re fishing in there’s just, unless you’re talking little private ponds and that kind of stuff but most of the public lakes are a pretty good size, and it is interesting, we have a bayou near, I live in Grand Haven Michigan and there’s very few people to fish this bayou with soft water but then when as soon as ice is up it’s a great bluegill fishing lake but nobody really touches it for bluegill much, when it’s soft water, so it’s like well how does that work you know and it’s like, but that’s just how it is and that’s for whatever reason those fish are more active when they get a lid on top of them. So, for whatever reason.
William Zank 10:04
So what do you think’s behind the large increase in hunting and fishing during this past year, it seems like there’s such a large influx of people which is good, which is really good but just curious to see what your thoughts are in the big rise behind that,
Jimmy Gretzinger 10:15
you know, I think everybody is trying to figure out exactly what happened and why it happened and trying to make sure that maybe it can continue to happen. I mean obviously it’s all from what we believe pretty much all COVID related. I was just looking at some numbers today but yeah the fishing licenses are up about 10% hunting licenses are up about 13% I thought the one that was really interesting that new anglers so people that haven’t bought a fishing license in five years are up 42%, and for deer hunting licenses it’s a 92% rise in people from that haven’t bought a license the last five years, so I think it’s coupled with a lot of people don’t want to travel very far they can’t go out to dinner. They’re not traveling out of state or so you know the spring break money is there so I think a lot of people and then the stimulus money there’s a lot of people with several $1,000 in their pocket that they didn’t normally have. And so that is turning to gun purchases and fishing licenses and kayaks and campers and I mean what any outdoor passion that you pick it’s really they’re having a booming year. And so I think you’ve taken all of those COVID factors and put them in there, it’ll be really interesting to see once we kind of ease out of those whenever that is like this next fall like what the hunting license number sales will be for this next fall and hopefully as people get back out there and experience fishing again or camping again kayaking, hunting, our hope for those of us in the outdoor world is, they’re like, oh man I really missed this and I need to be more avid at this and continue on in that in those pursuits so yeah and especially with youth numbers are way up right now and it’s just a great family activity and stuff that we’ve been preaching on the television show for years but we’re kind of preaching to the choir because people that watch our show, typically, enjoy the outdoors and I always hoped that our TV show could hit the person that kind of likes to hunt fish but doesn’t get a chance to do it very often used to do it more but they like to watch it. But then, you know, hoping that there like we can drive up to Charlevoix, we could go get hit lake and let’s go do that this next weekend, try to encourage people to get out there and use you know the natural resources of the state of Michigan, a little bit more and hopefully this COVID scare will encourage people to spend more time with family and friends in the outdoors.
William Zank 12:12
Well, perfect. So another question for you too. What’s a good first baby step that someone who maybe hasn’t ever fished or had the opportunity to hunt before what’s a good first step they could take to try and enjoy more of what Michigan has to offer.
Jimmy Gretzinger 12:24
Yeah, that’s a good question. And there’s a couple different ways to answer that the first thing that I would encourage people to do is try to find a friend that is involved in hunting, fishing, the last thing you want to do is say, Okay, I want to start deer hunting I need to go buy $1,000 rifle and a $500 tree stand and get all the greatest latest clothes and all that kind of stuff and nothing wrong with that and that’s, but I think you can find a friend, whether that’s through work or church or buddies or whatever it might be that is a fairly avid outdoorsman and just say hey can I tag along sometime to just see what this is all about and for the most part sportsmen are really, the more the merrier. It’s really fun to let other people come along so they can kind of guide you through like you don’t need to buy a $2500 crossbow let’s maybe start with a $400 crossbow if deer hunting is gonna be your thing. I usually try to encourage people especially when they’re getting kids involved to do something where there’s a high likelihood of success. I’m gonna go sit and deer hunt in the middle of November that’s gonna be my first thing and I’m freezing and I’m out there for three hours and I see one deer. Well, probably not gonna be like wow that was the greatest thing ever. But if you’re gonna go in October and then you sit with your buddy and it’s warm and the fall colors and that’s a whole different experience whether or not you see here or get a deer, but I encourage people like a pheasant preserve is a great way to kind of introduce people to hunting and fishing and because it’s a controlled environment. There’s not all of special gear that you need. If it’s a fishing thing you know bobber and a worm for bluegill where there’s a high likelihood of success where you don’t have to be out there for several hours at a time something where you’re not having to worry about how you smell and all that, you know, for deer hunting, so turkey hunting is a great way to introduce people because you can do it as a group, waterfowl hunting is a ton of fun and you can tag on with guys that have all the gear and so if there’s somebody out there saying I’d like to get into hunting, that’s fine too but if you don’t have anybody in your world or you’re there sportsman’s clubs all over the state of Michigan and there’s national Wild Turkey Federation Pheasants Forever Ducks Unlimited all these different groups have a lot of mentor programs where they’re eager and anxious to take people out so it might take a little bit of research on your end to figure out what’s the best avenue for you but there’s groups all over the place that would love to introduce people to the outdoors.
William Zank 14:22
Well that’s great to hear. So does being in the media business change your thoughts for saving for certain life goals,
Jimmy Gretzinger 14:30
Hmm… saving for life goals I don’t know if being in the outdoor world i think i think that’s just something that I didn’t know much about the business side of things when I took over Michigan Out of Doors I had really no idea what even the term cash flow even meant I’m like, Well, I’m going to have money and I need to spend money and it’s all gonna work out just fine. So I you know it was a crash course for me and just business 101, when I took over you know I had a communications degree, and I knew how to balance a checkbook that’s about it. I think owning a business it’s tricky, because you’re trying to, You have to have enough money to pay the bills so that you can then worry about producing a television show. So, I can have the best stuff in the world but if I don’t have the money to pay the people or the travel and everything else then it’s kind of like a lot of that money and financial stuff has to that’s such a high priority so that you can then worry about telling the good story and traveling to Charlevoix and this and that and the other thing and so it’s been a big learning curve for me, as far as how it impacts my, you know I don’t put a lot of money into savings each year I try to do some as a business owner those first few years were pretty tight and doing what we do doing an outdoor television show on public television now that’s not the way to put a ton of money in the bank, but it is a lot of fun and very enjoyable and I feel really blessed to have the job that I do and the money, so far, you know, knock on wood is, you know, we have some years that are up and some years that are down, but we have a lot of partners that partner with us that our advertisers underwriters on a television show and I think a lot of it just comes down to relationships for us as far as in the sales thing. I’m not a great salesman but I have a lot of good relationships with people and so I think a lot of times you’re, you know, sometimes I have to say well this is how many eyeballs watch the television show and here’s how many people watch your social media, and that matters for sure, but for some people who either grew up watching the show or they’re familiar with it, they kind of know the demographics and they’re, they’re happy to be part of it whether if I’m dealing with the National advertisers, they’re like well what you’re just a regional television show how there’s no way you have that many numbers it’s like well, we do not because I recreated the wheel but the show has been on the air since 1950, and so everyone in Michigan, that grew up hunting and fishing at some point has watched that show and hopefully enjoyed it and keep coming back and so we have good numbers but I think at the end of the day, as a salesman it’s about the relationships you have with those customers.
William Zank 16:36
So would you say, so if someone were listening to this right now. Would you say that’s one of the biggest takeaways you’d say, has helped you so far,
Jimmy Gretzinger 16:42
I think, yeah, creating a business like this, there are so many people that want to do what we’re doing. I mean there are so many online shows and so many shows on the sportsman’s channel the outdoor channel. The Pursuit channel the world fishing network I mean everybody wants to hunt and fish for a living. People say Oh you’re so lucky you just get to hunt and fish all the time it’s like, well, I’m around hunting and fishing all the time but I’m carrying a camera, most of the time so 70% of my job is video production. 30% is outdoor related stuff. As I encourage people as they like how do I get a television show, it’s like well you got to spend a lot of time in the woods and you have to know your camera backwards and forwards and you’d have to know how to edit and tell the story put all together and then if it’s something worth it that somebody actually wants to watch it then. If you have an online show it’s like you got to have people to help. I mean, most of those guys are doing it for fun on the side after they have their eight hour nine hour day job. That’s really hard to do. And so they try it for six months or a year and they’re just like oh this is ridiculous I’m not making any money I’m losing money I can’t afford the cameras and the laptops and this and that. So, but if you can have people that partner with you, and that will help fund some of that stuff. Yeah that’s huge if you know if you’re out there trying to start an outdoor video production facility that it’s tough but it’s tough because a lot of people want to do it.
William Zank 17:52
Oh sure I can believe it. And so that kind of tails into one of the many ways that people try and, at least start you know maybe if it’s an idea that they want to eventually try and start maybe a television show or a series to try and get a following on social media and so prior to the show and for a long time before I’ve been a longtime supporter of your guys’ Instagram page I think it’s wonderful different stuff you guys post. What was your thoughts behind creating the page and have you noticed from the benefits standpoint,
Jimmy Gretzinger 18:18
from the social media side of things? Yeah, that has been huge over the last Gosh, I mean five years 10 years whatever it’s been that it’s been a real driving influence a lot of our advertisers now. And I think part of the reason that people are really attracted to it from the advertising side of it is because it’s super measurable they know exactly how many eyeballs are seeing it or clicking on it or whatever it might be, where with TV numbers, those numbers do exist for sure but you’d have to go through Nielsen ratings, it’s quite a process so if I’m. If I own a tractor company and I think about sponsoring Michelin outdoors television. I can go right on my Facebook and YouTube and see exactly how many numbers they have, if they’re looking at Michigan Out of Doors state versus another advertising outlet or maybe they want to buy time on with TV commercial and so they could look exactly and see how many numbers there how many numbers here is and social media has been really great for advertisers because it’s hard numbers they can get it easily. And then it’s, they can track the interaction between people as well and so I think when we first started, like our facebook page now we’re up to over 140,000 people on there. That’s a good number, you know, especially for regional television show and I’m not sure where we’re at Instagram wise but it’s well over 20,000 25,000 something like that. So it’s been a great way for us to show those numbers to advertisers but it’s also great for us to interact with viewers, which is something that we really couldn’t do before social media in any kind of real time way so there’s several times where we’ll be like, Who’s got good eyes who’s got good. Where’s the rough starting, you know who’s got whatever it might be. It’s a great way for us to get people on the show to interact and so I think when we first started we didn’t you know i mean i don’t think anybody knew what social media was going to be or how big it was going to be when we all got into this but it’s been a great tool for us and we have advertisers that strictly want to buy time on social media, they want ads they want stories they want stuff is totally separate from a television show, so it’s been a good thing for us.
William Zank 20:04
Well that’s great to hear so over the past 22 years what would you say have been your most memorable hunting and or fishing experience you’ve had on the show. I know it must be pretty tough to try and pinpoint something.
Jimmy Gretzinger 20:16
Well I mean I do get that question a lot and I think it’s the stories that stick out to me a lot of times are the elk hunting stories here in Michigan, so I would say for me the stories that really kind of stick out that are really fun for me to do are the elk hunting stories here in Michigan because it’s such a unique animal and it’s such a unique hunt because it’s about 40 some thousand people put in for an elk tag and only 100 or 200 depending on the season, get an elk tag and so you’re with a bunch of people that are just thrilled beyond belief to be there. They are super excited about why they’re there and it’s a cool part of the state the northeast part of the Lower Peninsula and so those ones really stick out to me. Those are kind of special hunts because it’s just such a unique situation. Other ones to me I really love the islands here in the state of Michigan so I’m a big sucker for anything on Beaver Island I’ve done. Deer hunts and Turkey hunts and lots of fishing opportunities over there, Drummond Island I love and done a lot of fishing and some hunting over there so those are the ones that kind of stick out the, the really unique special locations in the state of Michigan for me are really cool and there’s so many I mean that’s just when you get to the upper peninsula from the west end to the east end and anywhere between into so many cool little nooks and crannies and so I think the stories that stick out to me over the years are really unique ones and not that a bluegill fishing at a guys private pond is not a bad thing it’s just the ones that end up in unique locations really stick out to me.
William Zank 21:30
Nice. Outside of hunting and fishing. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time,
Jimmy Gretzinger 21:38
Hunting and fishing does take up a lot of my time for work and it is a big hobby of mine that I do without cameras around as much as I can. But I really enjoy, like in the summertime golfing is a big thing for me love to do that. I love to travel around the state of Michigan camping is a big thing for me and my kids and. So, yeah, and my church is really important to me so I play on the worship team there and that’s super fun and I’m a drummer so that may explain some of the some of the character issues I have. Yeah, so I would say there’s still outdoor related a lot of golfing and camping and canoeing and kayaking, that kind of stuff, are some of my hobbies. Yeah.
William Zank 22:14
So switching over a little more music here. Do you have a favorite drummer. Any Foo Fighters David Grohl at all.
Jimmy Gretzinger 22:19
I do know that name, and I’m just a pretty average drummer I really enjoy it. But no, I don’t have any drummers that come to mind that are they all do so many crazy things that I’m just like how are they doing that, you know, kind of a thing. But yeah, I really love playing and that’s been a good thing.
William Zank 22:32
What does money mean to you.
Jimmy Gretzinger 22:34
What does money mean to me, well I think money is a really good short term motivator. I think it’s a hard one to really, you know, I have a lot of friends that are in jobs that they don’t really like but they are accustomed to a certain lifestyle so they can’t really make a change because of the money. So it’s a tricky thing. Obviously it’s an important thing, and I grew up with a dad and that was very strict with money and he made pretty good money he was a State Farm agent so we had money but he just never wanted to spend money so I grew up, where they call that Dodger cheaper. Or whatever you want to call that that was my upbringing, was like you don’t spend money on stuff that you don’t need to and that I think that kind of caused me to flip. Once I had a little bit of money the last thing he ever wanted to do was go out for dinner. Well, the only thing I really want to do is go out for dinner. So, I spend a lot of money, on stuff like that and so i mean i think i learned some of the principles being wise with it but definitely not as splendid until it’s gone kind of a person but I think I do treat myself to some of this stuff like going out to dinner and a lot of travel and that kind of stuff. So, the stuff that I do for work is really meaningful and but then it gives you the opportunity to do other stuff as well so yeah I guess I’d say it’s a good short term motivator but it’s not a great long term motivator.
William Zank 23:44
That’s wonderful. And so for my last question. If people want to get more in contact with you or learn more about the show now we’ve mentioned, Instagram on this podcast and also YouTube Do you mind plugging some information if you don’t mind for yourself,
Jimmy Gretzinger 23:53
Sure yeah if you ever have a question about the television show or you have an idea that you think would be a good one, whether it’s you or someone that you know that might make a good story for Michigan Out of Doors, Our website is pretty simple. You can either google it or it’s just Michiganoutofdoorstv.com, and so if you just Google Michigan Out of Doors Television, you’ll find us and we have our emails on there. And yeah, Facebook, we’re on their Instagram and YouTube as well so if you’re on YouTube you can subscribe to our channel there and get an email every time we post something new. Those are the good ways to get all of us in whether you have a question or somebody that you know that would make a good story we’re always looking for when we get 52 shows a year or some weeks we have tons of stuff and other weeks we’re really scrambling to try to fill your time so we’re always looking for good stories and new people and so that’s a good way to kind of reach out to us.
William Zank 24:37
Well thank you, Jimmy. Thank you everyone for listening to another episode of Mitten Money. If you haven’t already please rate and review our podcasts. Additionally, please subscribe so you don’t miss when our new episodes drop. Thanks again, Jimmy.
Jimmy Gretzinger 24:46
Thank you.
Closing music:
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