Episode 33: Ingredients fOr high custOmer service with Marc Owczarzak, O’s Pub & Grill

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Mitten Money Podcast

Ingredients fOr high custOmer service with Marc Owczarzak, O's Pub & Grill
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Episode 33: Ingredients fOr high custOmer service with Marc Owczarzak, O’s Pub & Grill

Marc and Laura Owczarzak had as their visiOn for when they Opened O’s Pub & Grill. Staying true tO their vision has helped them grOw O’s expOnentially. They nOw have plans tO Open a secOnd lOcation in Bay City, MI On the river. HOst William Zank talks with Marc Owczarzak, cO-Owner of O’s Pub and Grill about their grOwth at O’s Pub and Grill.

FOr mOst restaurant’s, while fOOd can help drive grOwth Of the business, the custOmer service is what keeps peOple cOming back.

In 2022, cOnsumers have the knOwledge and OptiOns to chOOse any fOOd option they want. It’s mOre crucial than ever tO nOt Only have a cOmpelling menu, but alsO Offer high levels of custOmer service tO keep guests happy. This sOunds simple in practice – but hOw dO yOu gO abOut implementing a strategy? Interested in knowing how and hearing O’s phenomenal grOwth story? Tune in tO today’s episOde.

This style Of writing is inspired by O’s eye catching way of making O’s the real star Of the shOw. See their website and sOcial pOsts.


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