Mitten Money Episode 19 Dan Porta Tech Smith
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Episode 27: Tips to Getting Your Financial House in Order with the Tri-Star Trust Team

What’s the top reason for people not taking control of their finances?  Procrastination. On today’s mega episode, Jane, Bobbi, and Jon help listeners get started and give tips to stay the course when it comes to saving for retirement.

Jane Hagen is a Director of Corporate Retirement Plans. Her passion is encouraging thousands of 401(k) participants to earn their retirement one step at a time, and one percent increase at a time.

Bobbi Putman is a seasoned Financial Planner and shares advice on building an individual’s credit and a readily available emergency fund.

Jon Pickelman is a Relationship Manager and shares why we all have a different relationship with money.

Tune in to hear tips about building a 401(k), building credit, and how to invest for the long-term. Individuals, age 22-62 can learn a tip or two to help them on their financial journey.


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