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Episode 35: Consulting in Retirement- A Second Career Conversation with Don Sheets former EVP, CFO, of Dow Corning

Have you thought about what you will do in retirement? Maybe you dream of sitting on the beach or tinkering around with a long-term hobby. For some, they have an itch to continue working beyond their traditional retirement date.

On this episode of Mitten Money, host William Zank speaks with Don Sheet. Don is currently retired after almost 15 years as Executive Vice President and CFO at Dow Corning.  In this episode, Mr. Sheets shares how he planned to work as a consultant all along as his second career.

Don also chats about some of the crucial moments where he lead Dow Corning out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2004 and through the 2008 financial crisis.

He took advantage of those low points, and we touch base about one of his major milestones of leading the development and implementation of Xiameter internet business. This choice led to the growth of Dow Corning with the silicone business on a global scale!

Don enjoys waking up early to get his day started with the latest news and a good book while participating in multiple organizations with his peers and loving wife!

To get to know Don Sheets better, his LinkedIn is:

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