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Episode: 39 Designing a Space that Improves Productivity with Paul Haselhuhn, WTA Architects

“Architecture is as much about understanding why a building needs to exist as it is the relationships of its forms. Creating graceful space that enhances life is part of a fundamental belief behind our work at WTA Architects.” This is what guest speaker Paul Haselhuhn, Architect, Partner, and President of WTA Architects, speaks on in this week’s podcast.

Employers and people, in general, tend not to recognize the importance of architecture and what effects it can have on an employee or family. Tune in this week to learn some of the benefits of an architectural style and how it can positively impact the work being created from within.

Paul Hauselhuh, AIA, has been a project manager on a wide variety of projects for WTA Architects and now specializes in higher education and commercial facilities. Paul has a strong interest in sustainability and green architecture.

Paul Haselhuhn, AIA, LEED AP | LinkedIn

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