A trust gives you greater control over your wealth, allowing you to specify when and to whom your assets can be distributed. And a trust can protect your estate when it is passed on to your heirs.
At Tri-Star, our team of professionals is prepared to help you design and administer the specific type of trust that meets your goals. Our experts closely collaborate with you and your attorney to create the type of trust that makes sense for your objectives — whether it’s a trust that is modifiable (revocable), set in stone (irrevocable), charitable, or another option.
A carefully crafted trust is a way to ensure that your wealth is protected and transferred exactly as you have intended. To be sure that it is handled professionally and impartially, many clients name Tri-Star as a trustee or successor trustee to administer the transactions with precision.
Because communication is key, we provide periodic accounting of all transactions and valuations, and we are available to discuss adjustments to distributions as circumstances require.
Our credentialed and experienced professionals address and satisfy the needs of individuals, charities, estates and trusts regardless of the complexity of issues facing them. We strictly follow the terms of the trust and the best interests of all beneficiaries.