Episode 48: IT Cyber Security: The Importance in Small Business with Chad Paalman, CEO of NuWave Technology Partners

by | Dec 13, 2022 | Mitten Money Podcast

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Episode 48: IT Cyber Security: The Importance in Small Business with Chad Paalman, CEO of NuWave Technology Partners

Upwards of 2,000 cyberattacks happen per day to businesses, yet they may not know how to fix this problem as they don’t have an IT specialist to look over their programs on a day-to-day basis. On the podcast, Will Zank speaks with Chad Paalman, CEO of NuWave Technology Partners.

Chad faced the unexpected early in life. In high school, he suffered an injury causing him not to be able to join the air force dashing a lifelong dream. This problem led him to go to college and become the entrepreneur he is today. Anything can happen in this world. Even if you think your company is secure, it just takes a split second for someone to gain all the information about your company, your clients, and your personal information.

In this episode, we discuss the dangers of not having an IT specialist or company looking over your company’s programming. Every business, big or small, should be budgeting out for an IT portion within their company to eliminate the unpredictability of what could come. It may be an expensive portion within your budget, but would you rather have a costly bill or lose all of your company’s earnings because someone cyberattacked your business and stole your money?

To learn more about Chad Paalman and NuWave Partners, visit the following links.

Chad Paalman | LinkedIn


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