Today, we sit down to talk to Kyle DeWees, Interim Executive Director of Valley Lutheran High School. Kyle was involved with the school’s biggest capital campaign, raising over $12 million in 5 years and reaching out to 1,700+ donors.
DeWees originally never saw himself at Valley Lutheran – he started just 1.5 years before their biggest capital campaign. But as soon as he started on the staff, it was made clear it would be his responsibility to oversee it.
The level of success of the campaign was impactful; the school raised $2 million more than their $10 million goal. According to DeWees, the staff was hopeful and thought it was the right time for such a campaign. It started with volunteer leadership and reaching out to anyone connected to the school – alumni, parents, etc.
Reaching out to alumni was a big part of the capital campaign. A way Valley Lutheran keeps alumni involved, as well as other members of Valley Lutheran, is making sure to establish personal relationships. Meeting one-on-one in person is the backbone of alumni relations that Valley Lutheran continues to make an effort to do.
The capital campaign went towards expanding the space to teach properly, making it more of what a 21st century education looks like. With more space comes more opportunity to collaborate, problem-solve, and co-teach. The teachers of Valley Luther High School act more as “mentors” and get to know their students individually.
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